How it works

Acne Doctor Online Treatments UAE

Conquering Acne at Any Age: How Medicline's Online Consultation and Treatment Services Simplify Skin Care

Acne, while often associated with the hormonal fluctuations of teenage years, can persist or even start in adulthood.

Hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menstruation can trigger acne in adult women.

At Medicline, our doctors, with their extensive experience in treating acne and other skin conditions, are ready to assist you in managing your acne through proper medical consultation.

These consultations will be conducted via private and confidential online video calls, ensuring your comfort and convenience.

Urinary Tract Infection – UTI | UTI Consultation Online

التهاب المسالك البولية - UTI استشارة UTI عبر الإنترنت

Urinary tract infections, often abbreviated as UTI, are a frequent occurrence, with 1 in every 3 women experiencing them at some point in their lives. The common indicators of a UTI encompass an increased need to urinate, a burning sensation while urinating, discomfort in the lower abdomen, and urine that appears cloudy or has a potent odor.

More serious cases of UTIs may exhibit symptoms such as fever, chills, feelings of nausea, vomiting, and backache. Elderly people might display signs of disorientation or lethargy. If an individual exhibits symptoms indicative of a severe UTI, it is recommended they seek in-person medical attention, as online treatment would not be sufficient.

Various antibiotics are commonly prescribed for UTIs. During your online consultation with Medicline Dubai, Dr Sadeq will determine and prescribe the most appropriate one for your condition.

6 skin problems that can develop during pregnancy

Skin Rash Pregnancy Dubai

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause various skin conditions like Melasma, linea nigra, stretch marks, acne, skin tags, and PUPPPs. A serious condition, Cholestasis of pregnancy, is a liver disease causing severe itching and potentially leading to jaundice. Most conditions vanish post-childbirth, but consultation with a doctor is crucial. Dr. Sadeq M. Ali, a Specialist Consultant with over 25 years of experience in Sweden and Dubai, offers diagnosis and treatment plans via private video or audio calls.

Conquering Acne at Any Age: How Medicline’s Online Consultation and Treatment Services Simplify Skin Care

Conquering Acne at Any Age: How Medicline's Online Consultation and Treatment Services Simplify Skin Care

Acne, while often associated with the hormonal fluctuations of teenage years, can persist or even start in adulthood.

Hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menstruation can trigger acne in adult women.

At Medicline, our doctors, with their extensive experience in treating acne and other skin conditions, are ready to assist you in managing your acne through proper medical consultation.

These consultations will be conducted via private and confidential online video calls, ensuring your comfort and convenience.

Navigating through pregnancy with Medicline

Navigating through pregnancy with Medicline

Medicline’s online private doctor consultations can be a game-changer for expectant mothers concerned about their health.

Our qualified physicians, who specialize in women’s health, can provide diagnosss and appropriate treatment for any health issues you may encounter during your pregnancy.

Moreover, we can provide sick leave certificates and instant prescriptions, making it easy for future moms to get the medical support they need without leaving their homes.

Choose Medicline for taking care of your health and your baby’s health during this crucial period of your life.

Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea) – Period Pain

Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea) - Period Pain | Medicline Dubai

Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for pain associated with menstruation. The pain usually occurs in the lower abdomen but can also spread to the lower back and thighs. It can start 1-2 days before your period and typically lasts less than 2-3 days.

Understanding Lower Abdominal Pain in women

Understanding Lower Abdominal Pain in women Medicline Dubai

Pain below the belly button is known as lower abdominal pain. Conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) often cause this type of pain. IBS primarily affects the lower abdomen but can sometimes affect the entire belly3.