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Skin Rash Pregnancy Dubai

You’re well into your pregnancy journey, yet the much-anticipated “pregnancy glow” seems to be elusive. Instead of a radiant complexion, you may find yourself grappling with acne or dark patches on your face. You might even be dealing with an itchy rash around your belly’s stretch marks.

Pregnancy introduces a myriad of unusual symptoms, and your skin is not spared from the hormonal changes taking place. The good news is, while these conditions can be bothersome, they are mostly harmless and will likely disappear post-childbirth.

Let’s explore some of the most prevalent skin issues that surface during pregnancy and strategies to manage them. We’ll also touch upon one serious condition that you should be mindful of.


Both ‘mask of pregnancy’ (Melasma) and linea nigra are harmless skin conditions caused by increased pigmentation due to pregnancy hormones. Around 75% of pregnant women experience Melasma, which causes dark patches on the face, and 90% notice linea nigra, a dark line between the belly button and pubic area. While these changes are usually temporary and fade post-pregnancy, sun protection can help minimize their effects. Persistent Melasma can be treated by a dermatologist.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, reddish lines on the breasts or belly, are common in pregnancy and can be influenced by rapid weight gain and genetics. Post-pregnancy, these marks usually fade to a silver or white hue. Prevention attempts may include moisturizing with cocoa butter or lotion. Before trying any herbal remedies, consult your doctor.


Pregnancy can prompt oil glands to produce more oil, leading to acne. Using over-the-counter face soap twice a day might help manage breakouts. While most topical treatments are safe during pregnancy, consult your doctor if unsure. Acne generally improves post-childbirth.

Skin tags

Skin tags, small and benign skin protrusions, often surface during pregnancy, particularly under the arms and breasts. While prevention is not possible, post-pregnancy removal is a straightforward process.


Itchy rashes are common during pregnancy. PUPPPs, pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, is the most common pregnancy rash. These itchy, red patches spring up around stretch marks – usually toward the end of pregnancy when your belly is stretched the most – and can spread to the arms, legs, and buttocks.

This condition is harmless, but I know from experience it can be annoying. PUPPPs will go away after you give birth, but don’t feel like you need to suffer through it until then. We can give you a steroid cream that will relieve the itching and prevent it from spreading. This cream is safe for you and your baby.

Cholestasis of pregnancy

Cholestasis of pregnancy, a liver disease triggered by high pregnancy hormones, can cause severe itching across the body, often worse on palms and soles, and may lead to jaundice. Diagnosed via a blood test, it can be treated with oral medication or cured by delivery, potentially necessitating induced labor close to due date. Always consult your doctor about symptoms to ensure serious conditions are ruled out and relief found.

Contact Medicline Telemedicine Dubai today if you are pregnant and experiencing any of these skin conditions. Dr. Sadeq M. Ali, with over 25 years of experience in Swedish Health Care, is a Specialist Consultant registered in both Sweden and Dubai, UAE (DHA). He has extensive experience in handling skin conditions. He can assist you via a private video or audio call and is ready to provide an accurate diagnosis, treatment plan, prescription, and even sick leave if necessary.

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