How it works

Kidney sample XL

AED 200.00

The kidneys perform a number of important tasks in the body such as producing urine, filtering the blood and regulating blood pressure. By checking kidney samples, any abnormalities can be detected at an early stage and with the XL package you get a deeper understanding of your kidney function and salt balance.

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What can Kidney sample XL tell you

Measures important kidney markers.
Gives you insight into how your kidneys are doing on a deeper level.
Can detect if you have changes in kidney function which in turn may be due to hereditary kidney diseases, diabetes, untreated urinary tract infection or high blood pressure.

What is tested in this package

What is Creatinine

The test measures the level of the substance creatinine in the blood and is a measure of how well the kidneys are working. Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate found in muscle mass. Creatinine is normally excreted at an even rate via the kidneys, but if these do not function optimally, creatinine accumulates in the blood and the measured value rises.
What is Albumin
Albumin is formed in the liver and is the body’s most abundant protein. Albumin’s main task is to transport other proteins and substances in the bloodstream. Albumin is also important for the liquid to stay in the blood instead of ending up in the tissues and causing swelling, so-called oedema.
What is Calcium
Calcium is an element found in many different places in the body. 99% of all calcium is stored in our bones, but a small part is also found in the blood. The calcium concentration in the blood reflects to some extent the calcium metabolism in the body. Calcium is important for bones and teeth but also for muscle and nerve cells to function normally.
What is Potassium
Potassium is a mineral substance and one of the body’s salts or electrolytes. It is of great importance for the majority of different functions in the body, such as that the nervous system and muscle work work optimally. Along with other electrolytes such as sodium, potassium helps regulate the amount of fluid in the body and is part of the acid-base balance.
What is Sodium
Sodium is a mineral that is of great importance for the regulation of the body’s fluid and salt balance. It is also important for our cells to function normally. The sodium level in the body is meticulously regulated and this regulation takes place via several different organs, for example the brain, heart, kidneys and adrenal glands.
What is Cystatin C
Cystatin C is a protein that is formed in the body’s cells and is filtered and excreted via the kidneys. This means that it is also a good measure of kidney function. As cystatin C is not affected by the person’s muscle mass, gender or food intake (especially meat intake), it is a better marker for estimating kidney function than creatinine, especially in people with very high or low muscle mass. By analyzing cystatin C, you can also detect a mild impairment of kidney function earlier, long before the creatinine value starts to rise.
What is Chloride
Chloride, or chloride ion (Cl-), belongs to a group called electrolytes, which also includes sodium and potassium. Chloride has a number of functions in the human body, and acts in interaction with other electrolytes, among other things, for the body’s cells to function normally and in regulating the body’s fluid and salt balance. Together with hydrogen, chloride forms the stomach’s stomach acid (hydrogen chloride), which is important for digestion and defense against bacteria and other microorganisms. Chloride is found in most foods, mostly in common table salt such as sodium chloride, and the body regulates the levels of chloride in the blood on its own.
What is eGFR (cystatin C)
GFR, which stands for Glomerular Filtration Rate, is a measure of kidney function. The value shows the kidneys’ ability to filter the blood, and you then get an idea of ​​how well the kidneys’ ability to clean the blood from waste products works. eGFR (Cyst C) is an estimated value of kidney function calculated based on your value of cystatin C as well as your age and gender. The higher the cystatin C, the lower the eGFR and the worse the kidney function.
What is Phosphate
Phosphate is found in a variety of different places in the body and is an important component in e.g. skeleton, DNA molecules and for the cells’ energy production and signaling. The level in plasma is mainly controlled by activated vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and growth factors.

Before your appointment

Fasting is not required before sampling

Take the test at any time of the day

That is how it works

Select health check

Order the health check that suits you and your goals best. After ordering, you will receive information by email about how to proceed and choose a sampling location.

Take your test

Werlabs has a network of 200+ connected sampling points where you can choose to book an appointment or drop-in for your blood test. Information about what to think about before taking the test will be sent by email.


Your results will arrive in your Werlabs digital journal within 2-4 business days, reviewed and commented by a licensed physician. Some tests may have a longer response time.


We recommend that you do regular health checks to detect any abnormalities at an early stage. It gives you a better opportunity to prevent before medical care and treatment is required.