How it works

Heart test

AED 200.00

Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common diseases today. High blood fats and high blood sugar are risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease in the long term.

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What can Heart test tell you

Measures blood fats and blood sugar levels, among other things.
Gives you some insight into your levels of important risk markers for cardiovascular disease.
Detects if you have high blood fats or high blood sugar.

What is tested in this package

What are Leukocytes (LPK)
Leukocytes (LPK) is a test taken to check the number of white blood cells in the blood. The white blood cells are important for the body’s immune system and have the task of defending us against attacks from microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses.
What is Mean Cellular Volume (MCV)
MCV is an abbreviation for “Mean Corpuscular Volume” and is a measure of the size of the red blood cells. The red blood cells have the task of binding oxygen molecules from the inhaled air in the lungs and transporting the oxygen to all parts of the body. A majority of this oxygen is bound to the hemoglobin molecules found inside the red blood cells.
What is Hematocrit (EVF)
Erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF), also called hematocrit, indicates how much of the blood volume is made up of red blood cells. The red blood cells have the task of binding oxygen molecules from the inhaled air in the lungs and transporting the oxygen out to all parts of the body, as well as returning carbon dioxide back to the lungs for exhalation.
What is Hemoglobin Mass (MCH)
MCH stands for “Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin” and is a measure of how much hemoglobin is inside the red blood cells. The red blood cells have the task of binding oxygen molecules from the inhaled air in the lungs and transporting the oxygen to all parts of the body. A majority of this oxygen is bound to the hemoglobin molecules found inside the red blood cells.
What is Erythrocytes (EPK)
Erythrocytes (EPK) measure the number of red blood cells per liter of blood and are thus a measure of the concentration of the red blood cells in the blood. The red blood cells have the task of binding oxygen molecules from the inhaled air in the lungs and transporting the oxygen out to all parts of the body, as well as returning carbon dioxide back to the lungs for exhalation.
What is Hemoglobin (Hb)
Hemoglobin (Hb) is also usually called the blood value. Hemoglobin is found inside the red blood cells (erythrocytes) and is the protein that binds oxygen molecules from the inhaled air in the lungs so that the red blood cells can then transport the oxygen to all parts of the body. Hemoglobin also contributes to the red blood cells maintaining their correct shape so that they can flow as well as possible through the blood vessels.
What are Platelets (TPK)
Thrombocytes (TPK) are also called platelets. The platelets are important for blood coagulation (clotting ability), which has the task of stopping bleeding in the event of, for example, a wound by clumping together and forming a plug over the wound. They are also important for other parts of the body’s coagulation system.
What are Triglycerides
In our blood there are mainly two different types of fat – cholesterol and triglycerides. Triglycerides are used by the body as an energy source and cholesterol is needed to build cells and form different types of hormones. We get triglycerides mainly through the diet we eat. If we get too much of this fat in the blood, these can be stored in the liver or end up in the walls of the blood vessels, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
What is HDL cholesterol
There are different variants of cholesterol carrier proteins in the blood. HDL-cholesterol (“High Density Lipoprotein”) is also called “the good cholesterol” as it removes excess cholesterol. By measuring the amount of HDL cholesterol in the blood, one can form an idea of ​​a person’s risk of developing various types of cardiovascular diseases. HDL cholesterol is analyzed together with other blood fats.
What is Total Cholesterol
There are mainly two different types of fat in our blood, namely cholesterol and triglycerides. Triglycerides are used by the body as an energy source, while cholesterol is needed to build cells and form different types of hormones. We get some cholesterol through our diet, but it is mainly formed by the body itself. If we get too much of these fats in the blood, these can be stored in the liver or end up in the walls of the blood vessels, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
What is HbA1c
HbA1c, colloquially known as “long-term sugar”, shows the amount of glucose (sugar) that has been bound to the red blood cells, which can be used as a measure of the average blood sugar level over the last 2-3 months.
What is LDL cholesterol
There are different variants of cholesterol carrier proteins in the blood. LDL cholesterol (“Low Density Lipoprotein”) is also called “bad cholesterol”. High levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of developing various types of cardiovascular disease.
What is Apolipoprotein A1
Apo A1, or Apolipoprotein A1, is the carrier protein in the HDL cholesterol particle, which is also called “the good cholesterol”. The level of Apolipoprotein A1 shows the number of HDL particles in the blood and usually varies with the level of HDL cholesterol. Lack of Apolipoprotein A1 or HDL cholesterol can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The amount of Apolipoprotein A1 in the blood gives an idea of ​​a person’s risk of developing various types of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.
What is Apolipoprotein B
Apo B, or Apolipoprotein B, is the carrier protein for LDL cholesterol, which is also called “the bad cholesterol” and other harmful fat particles (such as VLDL and IDL) that are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. High levels of Apo B are associated with an increased risk of developing various types of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.
What is ApoB/ApoA1 ratio
Apolipoprotein A1 (apo A1) and Apolipoprotein B (apo B) are proteins involved in the transport of cholesterol in the blood. Apo A1 is a major component of the HDL particle that contains the “good cholesterol,” while Apo B is a major component of the LDL particle that contains the “bad cholesterol” as well as other harmful fat particles (such as VLDL and IDL) that are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The ratio between Apolipoprotein B and Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoB/ApoA1 ratio) reflects the balance between “bad” and “good” cholesterol. High Apolipoprotein B values ​​correlate with an increased amount of the “bad” LDL cholesterol, increased release of blood fats to the body, which increases the risk of fatty deposits in blood vessels (“arteriosclerosis”), heart attack and stroke.
What is Glucose
Glucose, or dextrose as it is also called, is needed for the body’s cells to get enough energy to perform their normal functions. Glucose is also the body’s and brain’s main source of energy. The body strives to keep blood sugar at an even level. When you eat, the blood sugar level in the blood rises, and the pancreas then produces the hormone insulin, which acts as a key that opens the cells for the introduction of the sugar. When this happens, the blood sugar drops. When the blood sugar drops to an excessively low level, e.g. during intense physical exercise or prolonged fasting, the pancreas produces the hormone glucagon which stimulates the liver cells to release stored glucose into the bloodstream. When insulin production in the pancreas is insufficient or if the body’s cells have reduced sensitivity to insulin, blood sugar levels are too high. This is what happens in diabetes.

Before your appointment

Fast at least 10 hours before sampling

Take the test at any time of the day

That is how it works

Select health check

Order the health check that suits you and your goals best. After ordering, you will receive information by email about how to proceed and choose a sampling location.

Take your test

Werlabs has a network of 200+ connected sampling points where you can choose to book an appointment or drop-in for your blood test. Information about what to think about before taking the test will be sent by email.


Your results will arrive in your Werlabs digital journal within 2-4 business days, reviewed and commented by a licensed physician. Some tests may have a longer response time.


We recommend that you do regular health checks to detect any abnormalities at an early stage. It gives you a better opportunity to prevent before medical care and treatment is required.