How it works


An allergy is an adverse reaction by the body to a foreign material. Reactions range from mild to severe.

A mild reaction affects only a specific area of the body and causes rashes, itchiness, watery eyes or congestion.

A severe reaction is a rare and life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis and requires immediate medical attention.

A severe reaction affects the whole body and causes generalized itchiness, difficulty breathing, sudden swelling and loss of consciousness.


Causes of Allergies & Treatments

Some of the most common causes of allergies are:

  • pollen
  • mould
  • dust mites
  • certain food, such as nuts and shellfish
  • clothing
  • medicines
  • latex
  • insect bites
Your allergy treatment plan may include three treatment types: avoiding allergens, medicines, and/or immunotherapy (allergens given as a shot or placed under the tongue).​