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How to perform a testicular self-exam?

How to perform a testicular self exam

Before you start, get to know your anatomy. Here are two things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t worry if one testicle is bigger than the other or hangs lower. That’s normal.
  • It’s easy to mistake the epididymis for an unusual mass. The epididymis is a coiled set of tubes that lines the back and top of each testicle. It’s the portion of the reproductive system where the sperm “mature” or learn to swim. It will feel softer and bumpier than the testicle it’s attached to. 

Here’s how to perform a self-exam:

  • Set aside five minutes while you’re in the shower. A warm shower will relax the scrotum and the muscles holding the testicles, making an exam easier.
  • Starting with one side, gently roll the scrotum with your fingers to feel the surface of the testicle.
  • Check for any lumps, bumps or unusual features. Contrary to what many assume, cancerous tumors typically aren’t painful.
  • Make note of any changes in size over time. While the most common symptom of testicular cancer is a painless mass, some men experience swelling of the testicles and scrotum.
  • Be aware of any dull soreness or heaviness.
  • Switch sides and check the other testicle.

If you’re in doubt, please contact us for an online Doctor’s consultation.

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