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Understand your health in depth

Through these blood tests, you get a comprehensive analysis of your general health status. Simply answer why you feel the way you do. But also an insight into how changes in your lifestyle could make you feel better. Gain insights into how you can improve your health. Prevent instead of treat. Your digital referral is automatically sent to Werlabs-affiliated sampling locations.

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Health checks

Through these health checks, you get a comprehensive analysis of your general health status. Simply answer why you feel the way you do. But also an insight into how changes in your lifestyle could make you feel better.
Gives you insight into your health status by checking blood values ​​in eight different health areas. Detects abnormal values ​​that can cause reduced sex drive, reduced fertility, fatigue and lack of energy. By calculating the bioactive testosterone, you get a deeper insight into your testosterone production.

AED 100

Detects deficiencies that may be the cause of dizziness, fatigue, impaired wound healing, hair loss, decreased fitness or difficulty concentrating. Discovers whether you have an under- or overproduction of thyroid hormone and whether this may be caused by the immune system attacking the body's own cells. Gives you insight into

AED 100

Measures your blood values ​​in eight areas and gives you a broad picture of your health status. Gives you insight into your status on heart & vessels, thyroid, diabetes, vitamins & minerals, liver, kidney, blood status and more. Detects deviations such as high blood fats and suggestions for necessary lifestyle

AED 100

Gives you insight into your health status by checking blood values ​​in eight different health areas. Detects abnormal values ​​that can cause reduced sex drive, reduced fertility, fatigue and lack of energy. By calculating the bioactive testosterone, you get a deeper insight into your testosterone production.

AED 100

Gives you insight into, among other things, your thyroid function, as it controls the body's metabolism. Follows the level of your blood fats and blood values ​​but also if you have a vitamin deficiency, then the diet can affect your performance. Discovers deviations that can be decisive for your performance.

AED 100

Focuses on three key areas: diabetes, cardiovascular disease and thyroid. Gives you insight into cardiovascular status, diabetes, blood status, liver and kidney function and thyroid disorder. Discovers basic deviations to reduce the risk and work preventively regarding cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

AED 100

Measures your values ​​to detect thyroid and hormone disorders. Gives you, among other things, insight into thyroid status, vitamins & minerals, cortisol and low blood levels. Detects deviations such as over- or underproduction in the thyroid gland or high/low cortisol value but also lack of important vitamins.

AED 100


Through these health checks, you get answers to how your hormones affect your body. Detects deviations in the form of hormonal imbalance that can be the cause of, for example, infertility, under- or overproduction of thyroid hormone, cortisol or testosterone deficiency or if you are approaching menopause, for example.
Measures your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Gives you an insight into how your cortisol levels affect you. Detects if you have adrenal insufficiency, an unusual condition with symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness and weight loss.

AED 100

Measures your estrogen levels. Gives you insight into what your estrogen production looks like. Detects deviations that can be the cause of, among other things, hot flushes or dry mucous membranes.

AED 100

Measures your estrogen levels but also your FSH - your follicle stimulating hormone. Gives you insight into how your estrogen production looks and if there is a suspicion of reduced function in the ovaries or testicles. Discovers, among other things, deviations in connection with infertility investigations and in case of

AED 100

Measures your progesterone levels. Gives you insight into what your progesterone production looks like. Detects deviations that can be the cause of, among other things, infertility, but also if you are approaching menopause, for example.

AED 100

Measures your testosterone levels. Gives you insight into what your testosterone production looks like. Detects abnormalities that may be the cause of various conditions such as reduced sex drive, premature puberty, infertility, possible fatigue, lack of energy and irritability.

AED 100

Measures your testosterone levels but also SHBG and LH as well as blood status. Gives you a deeper insight into what your testosterone production looks like and an estimate of the so-called bioactive testosterone. Detects deviations that may be the cause of, for example, reduced sex drive, premature puberty, and

AED 100

Measures the most common markers: TSH, T4 and T3. Gives you insight into how your thyroid is doing. Detects if you have an under- or over-production of thyroid hormone.

AED 100

In addition to the markers TSH, T4 and T3, the antibodies TPO and TRAK are also measured. Gives you a deeper insight into how your thyroid is doing. Detects if you have an under- or overproduction of thyroid hormone and if this may be caused by a more specific autoimmune

AED 100

Vitamins & Minerals

The right level of vitamins & minerals is important for many of the body’s functions. Through these health checks, you can get answers on whether your diet is sufficient to maintain these levels or if you need to change something.
Measures your folate levels. Gives you an insight into how a possible deficiency can affect your general health. Detects a deficiency that can cause symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, reduced physical performance and shortness of breath.

AED 100

Measures your iron values. Gives you an insight into how a possible deficiency can affect your overall health status. Detects deficiency that may be the cause of fatigue, dizziness and palpitations.

AED 100

Measures your iron values. Gives you a deeper insight into how a possible iron deficiency or excess can affect your overall health status. Detects deficiency that may be the cause of fatigue, dizziness and palpitations. But also possible iron excess, the main symptoms of which are joint pain and fatigue.

AED 100

Measures levels of important vitamins and minerals. Gives you an insight into how any deficiencies can affect your overall health. Detects deficiencies that may be the cause of fatigue, low mood and lack of energy.

AED 100

Measures your B12 levels. Gives you an insight into how a possible deficiency can affect your general health. Detects a deficiency that can cause symptoms such as fatigue, altered sensation and impaired reflexes.

AED 100

Measures your vitamin D levels. Gives you an insight into how a possible deficiency can affect your general health. Detects deficiency that may be the cause of muscle weakness, soreness, depression and to some extent difficulty concentrating.

AED 100

Measures your zinc levels. Gives you an insight into how a possible deficiency can affect your general health. Detects deficiency that may be the cause of impaired wound healing, hair loss, stomach and intestinal problems and impaired immune system.

AED 100

Specific organs

These health checks analyze specific organs and their functions. Through these health checks, you can get answers to whether, for example, you have abnormal values ​​in your heart, liver, kidney or what level your blood sugar is at.
Measures your DHEAS levels in the body. Gives you the picture of your DHEAS value - which reflects the activity of the adrenal cortex in the formation of sex hormones. Detects possible adrenal cortex failure that affects your estrogen and testosterone levels and can lead to fatigue and weight loss,

AED 100

Measures your blood status and your white blood cells. Gives you a more accurate measurement of different types of white blood cells. Detects if you have anemia and gives you an indication of the function of the immune system.

AED 100

Measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen. Gives you an insight into the amount of PSA you have in your blood. Indicates whether you have inflammation of the prostate gland or benign/malignant changes in the prostate gland.

AED 100

Measures blood sugar levels on a deeper level. Gives you a picture of your blood sugar levels but also HbA1c and C-peptide. Gives you a clearer indication of whether you have type 1 diabetes or are at risk for type 2 diabetes and provides an indirect measurement of insulin production.

AED 100

Measures blood fats and blood sugar levels, among other things. Gives you some insight into your levels of important risk markers for cardiovascular disease. Detects if you have high blood fats or high blood sugar.

AED 100

Measures highly sensitive CRP and blood status. Gives you, among other things, insight into your quick sink. Detects if you have an inflammation or infection in the body.

AED 100

Measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen. Gives you an insight into the amount of PSA you have in your blood. Indicates whether you have inflammation of the prostate gland or benign/malignant changes in the prostate gland.

AED 100

Measures important kidney markers. Gives you insight into how your kidneys are doing on a deeper level. Can detect if you have changes in kidney function which in turn may be due to hereditary kidney diseases, diabetes, untreated urinary tract infection or high blood pressure.

AED 100

Measures important kidney markers. Gives you insight into how your kidneys are doing. Detects if you have a tendency towards impaired kidney function, which in its most serious form can be kidney failure.

AED 100

Measures important liver markers. Gives you insight into how your liver is doing on a deeper level. Detects if you have a possible viral infection, liver disease or if there is an alcohol effect on the liver.

AED 100

Measures important liver markers. Gives you insight into how your liver is doing. Discovering if you are at risk of developing cirrhosis.

AED 100

Measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen. Gives you an insight into the amount of PSA you have in your blood. Indicates whether you have inflammation of the prostate gland or benign/malignant changes in the prostate gland.

AED 100

Measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen. Gives you an insight into the amount of PSA you have in your blood. Indicates whether you have inflammation of the prostate gland or benign/malignant changes in the prostate gland.

AED 100


Through these health checks, you get answers to whether you have an allergy but also what type of allergy you have. Here you will get answers to whether you are, for example, allergic to fur animals or have a certain type of food allergy.
Measures markers for food, fur and pollen. Gives you a deeper insight into what you are allergic to. Detects allergies that may indicate that your symptoms such as itchy and red eyes or runny nose, itchy rash, sneezing or stomach ache are caused by allergies.

AED 100

Measures markers for grass and tree pollen. Gives you the answer to whether you are allergic to grass or tree pollen. Detects allergies that may indicate that your problems such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose or breathing problems are caused by pollen.

AED 100

Measures markers for grass and tree pollen. Gives you the answer to whether you are allergic to grass or tree pollen. Detects allergies that may indicate that your problems such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose or breathing problems are caused by pollen.

AED 100

Measures markers for grass and tree pollen. Gives you the answer to whether you are allergic to grass or tree pollen. Detects allergies that may indicate that your problems such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose or breathing problems are caused by pollen.

AED 100

Measures markers for grass and tree pollen. Gives you the answer to whether you are allergic to grass or tree pollen. Detects allergies that may indicate that your problems such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose or breathing problems are caused by pollen.

AED 100

Measures markers for grass and tree pollen. Gives you the answer to whether you are allergic to grass or tree pollen. Detects allergies that may indicate that your problems such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose or breathing problems are caused by pollen.

AED 100

Measures markers for grass and tree pollen. Gives you the answer to whether you are allergic to grass or tree pollen. Detects allergies that may indicate that your problems such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose or breathing problems are caused by pollen.

AED 100

Women's health

We offer health checks to help you take control of your health and well-being as a woman. Our tests can help you detect and prevent a variety of health problems specific to women, such as hormonal imbalances, nutrient levels during pregnancy or gain insights that affect your fertility if you are planning a pregnancy.
Measures your estrogen levels. Gives you insight into what your estrogen production looks like. Detects deviations that can be the cause of, among other things, hot flushes or dry mucous membranes.

AED 100

Measures your metabolism, nutrients and minerals. Gives you an insight into how any deficiencies can affect you before, during and after pregnancy. Detects abnormalities that could lead to anemia, gestational diabetes and thyroid disorders.

AED 100

Includes areas that are important when trying to get pregnant. The test is for women and requires regular menstruation to make an accurate assessment. These tests are well suited to take to your doctor/gynaecologist for a more detailed fertility assessment.

AED 100

Measures your estrogen levels but also your FSH - your follicle stimulating hormone. Gives you insight into how your estrogen production looks and if there is a suspicion of reduced function in the ovaries or testicles. Discovers, among other things, deviations in connection with infertility investigations and in case of

AED 100

Detects deficiencies that may be the cause of dizziness, fatigue, impaired wound healing, hair loss, decreased fitness or difficulty concentrating. Discovers whether you have an under- or overproduction of thyroid hormone and whether this may be caused by the immune system attacking the body's own cells. Gives you insight into

AED 100

Measures your metabolism, nutrients and minerals. Gives you an insight into how any deficiencies can affect you before, during and after pregnancy. Detects abnormalities that could lead to anemia, gestational diabetes and thyroid disorders.

AED 100

Measures your values ​​to detect thyroid and hormone disorders. Gives you, among other things, insight into thyroid status, vitamins & minerals, cortisol and low blood levels. Detects deviations such as over- or underproduction in the thyroid gland or high/low cortisol value but also lack of important vitamins.

AED 100